Again I will recommend the portable version here which has everything included, both 32 and 64 bits ( launcher by gbrao in this thread ) and with a sexy modern skin.

I just wanted to let you know that your version results in an incomplete and severely crippled PotPlayer that doesn't play half the files it's supposed to and is probably more unstable than Miley Cyrus on a very bad day. Those files are oddly enough included in the videohelp version. Furthermore, unfortunately dvbsupport doesn't include the DirectX 9 files in their installers, so PotPlayer will cry about that in case the user doesn't have his DirectX 9 updated. The original and main site for PotPlayer, dvbsupport, have those codecs included in the installer.

Those codecs are a separate download when installing PotPlayer using the videohelp version. I'd like to point out that the downloads you refer to ( from ) do NOT include FFmpeg, Libav and OpenCodec when extracting the setup files.